
Proverbs 1


Proverbs 1:20-21

Wisdom Crieth out ... I love the emotion used a cry so strong a wailing  , so loud uttering her voice.  The moral compass that constantly calls us to obedience of the knowledge and understanding of his holiness.

God is omnipresent and his wisdom is crying in the chief places, the gates ..the city .

Wisdom is urging us with a clarion call  to the simple, the scorned and the fool.

God is near, he is with me and I know that full well.......





Proverbs 2


He stores up sound wisdom for the upright; He  is a shield to those who walk uprightly; He guards the paths of justice, And preserves the way of His saints.

Proverbs 2:7‭-‬8 NKJV


God has a special treasure chest of wisdom just for His children. We can always be confident that He will give us the wisdom we need in any situation.


He is a shield...He guards the paths...He preserves the way...it's like God goes above and beyond to ensure that we go in the right direction. Like a parent watching her child walk for the first time. That's comforting.

K. Dugas




Proverbs 3


Prov 3:9-10 God gives me a promise; when I honor Him with all my substance & the tithe, He will overflow me with blessings, I won't lack!





Proverbs 5

To me this simply means.. receive Christ as your Lord and Savior live by his words, obey His Commandments, trust His Promises and not go down by fire. We are all required to love and trust Him with all our beings if not we will reap what we sowed❤️


R. Hill



Solomon warns his son what he stands to lose, should he someday abandon his heart and his wife to pursue another woman. She will entice him. Her words will be smooth and enticing. But it will all eventually go bad, ultimately leading to relational and spiritual death. My revelation reading Proverbs 5 even in my singleness this applies to me. Sin like the woman Solomon is warning his son about whispers in your ears with enticing words with one goal in mind to lure us away from God. Solomon is telling his son to stay away from such a woman. God is telling us to stay far away from sin don’t entertain it for one moment.  As Christians, we sometimes approach sin with the idea that it’s OK to get as close as possible as long as we don’t cross a certain line. I have to admit I have been so guilty of this. I pray everyday for God to give me His strength to turn away. Our relationship with God is so precious that we can’t afford to lose. Reading proverbs Solomon is letting his son know that he will have to answer to God for the choices he makes. It’s the same way with us we (I) will have to answer to God for the choices I make especially when He makes a way of escape in the hour of temptation. Proverbs 5spoke to me. I had to read it several times before my father revealed to me how it applies to my life with the choices I make whether at work, home, the grocery store etc. Solomon is speaking time his son. However, God is speaking to  us (me)


T. Thibeaux



Be not deceived by the strange woman’s ways, words, looks. ...Be wise and steer clear of her. For the penalty for  going near her door is loss in every area of your life. Regard instruction and you shall live. Keep your Father’s commandments and it will lead and guide you. For it is a lamp and will guide you away from the flattery and evil ways of the strange woman. Can anyone play with fire and not get burned? Disregard this instruction and you will get burnt and pay back sevenfold for the wrong you have committed. Regard wisdom and uphold the  commandments and it shall preserve you and keep you.

J. Aubry



The wife is pictured as the source of water in these images of cistern, streams and fountain high is clear in the phrase “ from your own cistern/ well and the wife of your youth. The force of Prov. 5:16 is this to call the hearer to imagine how he would feel if his wife were to comment adultery and to follow the principle of doing unto others what you would have done to you, be faithful to her as he wishes her to be faithful to him.


My son keep your father’s commandment and forsake not your mother’s teaching. Let us as women remember that which we learned as a child. Many Godly parents have given wisdom to their children to warn them against sexual immorality for them only to turn away. One can not engage in outrageously foolish behavior and not suffer for it!

K. Lockett




Proverbs 9 & 10


The Fear of the Lord is truly the beginning of Wisdom, not a stern fear but a reverent Fear to the Lord. If a person desires to be wise, one must examine how their heart responds to correction. Being humble and ready to learn more about the Lord we become wiser and increase in learning.


The Bible says the “ memory of the righteous and Godly person is a blessing and the wicked people will wither to nothing in life. Let’s not babble with foolish words , but put  words into action to reap eternal rewards for the Lord. An awesome scripture, “ The blessings of the Lord makes rich and he adds no sorrow with it.  When the Lord gives material blessings, He does not give it grudgingly or with condemnation, but freely and with Joy! Whereas, we accept it From God with gratitude and bless others to keep a river of blessings flowing!!

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K. Lockett




Proverbs 11 &12


You literally reap what you sow.

You must be a conscious seeker, of good things, this isn’t surface seeking, it’s a rising early type of seeking, putting forth the effort, and taking delight in it to obtain this favor.

This same principle applies in mischief seek it and it will come back to you because surely you did not mean it for you .....but the LORD will send it back to you.....





Proverbs 13 & 14


Reading Proverbs 13 and 14 it's shows us all the wickedness that people can do and the punishment that comes along with it. I sit and wonder WHY do we do it and know we are going to be punished.That is a fool!!! Lord Jesus make us righteous let us not just be hearers of your word but doers. Continue to surround me with wise women of God.

S Steward.   Shalom


He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion Of fools suffers harm (Prov. 13:20.) Walk upright with godly Men and Woman of God. Model their godly examples , learn from their wisdom . Don’t fall in the paths of fools that can’t tell you anything about marriage when they are cheating or beating their husband down with cruel words. Godly Wisdom makes your light shine ever so brightly with the Lord.


The wise woman builds her house, but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.(Prov.14:1).  Wise woman encourage their children and husband. She is a woman of noble character. Can we find her??? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. Foolish woman never let the true KING( his full potential) come out of a man by the destruction of her mouth!

K. Lockett




Proverbs 15


A Soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Prov. 15:1.   Oh how we so give words of pain to our love ones , instead of encouragement. Once released out of the mouth the person who receives it is cut sharp in the heart . Many people have not gotten to their full potential in life , because of words others have regretfully spoken. Hebrew ladies let us always speak a kind word in due season and encourage rather then discourage!


Lord, I thank you so much for the reminder that you Lord are far from the wicked, but you hear and answer the prayers of the righteous. Prov. 16:29. With a humble heart we are trusting you Lord and listening to reproof. The way of righteous living is gracious words , maintaining justice and heeding instruction.


Much treasure is the expected outcome for the righteous who walk in the paths of honesty, diligence, hard work and the fear of the Lord. However, the wicked will earn income only to find trouble with it.





Proverbs 17


Proverbs 17:28 Even a fool, when he hold his peace is counted wise; and he that shuttered his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. ( let me keep silent lord) Job 13:5 Oh that you would altogether hold your peace! And it should be your wisdom.




These two Chapter are like a taste of the book of James in the Old Testament. It reminds me to be mindful of my heart because my mouth will speak it. In verse 3 of Proverbs 17, the Holy Spirit says the Lord tries the heart. Thank you Father for trying my heart. Truly life or death is in the tongue (Proverbs 18:21); I have seen my roles as a servant of the most high, a wife, and a mother go up an incline because of the inside job of the Holy Spirit.





Proverbs 16


“By mercy and truth iniquity is purged: and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil.”

‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭16:6‬ ‭


Mercy of God is Him not giving us what we do deserve, death for our sins. The truth of God sanctifies us or cleans us up. Mercy deals with the awareness of our sin and God's saving grace; truth deals with our wrong doings and how to get it right. The 2 work together to purge out the wickedness that dwells in man in his original state. We turn away from evil because we not only respect and reverence God as Holy and without sin but respect and reverence His mind knowing that if He chooses He can extend the rod of correction or take us out! We need all 3 to walk in this Christian walk.


“The fining pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold: but the Lord trieth the hearts.”



Proverbs‬ ‭17:3‬


God parallels the melting and purging of silver and gold of it's impurities to the testing of our heart. God will test our hearts to purify it of the things that are in it that is not of Him. As the silver and gold must be put through a very hot fire so we must be put through the hot and holy fire of God that reveals and cleanses the heart. Remember God looks at the heart! So when we say "God knows my heart" what does He see. If it's not His reflection, get ready for the holy fire!


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